March of the Machine Brings a Classic Aggro Deck Back to Standard MTG
After a hiatus, an infusion of strong red cards has brought Mono-Red Aggro back to the forefront of Standard with a slew of powerful options!
After a hiatus, an infusion of strong red cards has brought Mono-Red Aggro back to the forefront of Standard with a slew of powerful options!
The basic theories of Magic are always important, but with this new Standard format, you may need to remember a few fundamentals.
Has Ari found Standard’s biggest sleeper or the next Implement of Ferocity? Scorn-Blade Berserker can be the glue that tons of decks need!
Don’t blow all your wildcards on every Praetor – get the most bang for your virtual buck with Reid’s picks for the top cards in MOM!
Prefer starting the game on turn one rather than sitting and durdling? Try these six new MOM Standard aggro decks from Frank Karsten!
March of the Machine is bringing a lot of new haymakers to Standard, and Andrea Mengucci has 10 cards he thinks will really shift the format!
The return of Jeskai Dragons and a new 20 damage instant kill combo? Arne’s brewing with some spice for March of the Machine Standard!
A new deck has emerged at the end of All Will Be One Standard, and with some new additions, Ratadrabik Combo could take over MOM Standard!
What cards from March of the Machine will break through in Standard, Pioneer and beyond? Seth takes a look with his top 20 picks.
Is this a keep or a mull? When should I be killing Thalia? Martin breaks down some tough “What’s the Play” scenarios in Pioneer and Standard!
By sea, by land, by air – wherever it is, Azorius Soldiers is still bringing a great beatdown in Standard!
Choked on rare wildcards and want to try something new in Standard? Try these no-rare Standard decks without burning them all!
Jeskai Tokens was one of the premier Standard decks of 2015, but can March of the Machine bring it back to life eight years later?
Should you go aggro or midrange? Martin’s taking a look at Standard’s Rakdos decks to see which is the better choice.
Two Sheoldred’s at once? Saving yourself from The Eternal Wanderer? Frank’s breaking down 20 key interactions for Standard!
Looking for a deck that’s fun, customizable and has some of the best top-end in Standard? Look no further than Five-Color Domain!
When in doubt, Jund ’em out! Grixis Midrange may look like the best option for Standard, but a few green cards can give you an edge!
Everything in Standard seems to be midrange and aggro, but Gab’s turning the tables with three different control decks!
Is the deck you’re playing really viable for a big tournament? Martin gives you the real story on the Standard metagame in his Deep Dive!
Players are getting a bit too greedy with their Standard mana bases, so it’s time to punish them by turning Field of Ruin into Strip Mine!