Deck of the Day: B/W Midrange
Looking for something off the beaten path in Standard?
Siggy counts down his three favorite decks in all three formats featured at GP Santa Clara, starting with Standard!
Pauper is exploding in popularity, and Andrea reports back from a Team Trios event which included it in place of Legacy!
With Red’s relative decline in the metagame, white could give the archetype a new lease on life.
If you’re playing control in Standard, Drake Haven is just a better win condition than Approach. PV shows you why.
U/G Pummeler offers something that’s hard to find in this Standard format: a favorable Temur matchup.
The World Magic Cup produced another disappointing performance for Team Brazil, and PV dives in to the possible explanations.
To the surprise of noone, Team Japan exerted its dominance on the field at the World Magic Cup. Riley recaps the highs and lows!
Italy made it to the Top 4 of the WMC for the third time in a row. Andrea breaks down the deck he piloted and his sideboard plan!
Corey Burkart takes his U/W Cycling deck through a Standard queue on Magic Online!
Refurbish a God-Pharaoh’s Gift and reanimate a giant lifelinking Angel!
Jonathan Melamed fell just short of snagging a qualification twice over the past month.
Monument isn’t quite what it used to be, but it’s still an immensely powerful card.
Corey cycled his way to a Top 16 finish in Portland, and today he gives you the keys to unlock the archetype from gameplay to sideboard!
Watch the control master himself, Gabriel Nassif, pilot Standard’s sweetest control deck!
Tired of Energy? This deck uses the mechanic in a whole new way, producing infinite combos with Kaladesh’s crazy Modules!
See Corey pilot the go-wide Vampires deck that swarmed the top tables of Pro Tour Ixalan on the way to an 8-2 finish!
Swarm your opponent with an army of flying tokens using some of Standard’s best Thopter generators!