What Does the Pauper Showcase Mean for the Format?
With the Pauper Showcase attracting players all across Magic, how has the format changed? Alex Ullman breaks down the metagame!
With the Pauper Showcase attracting players all across Magic, how has the format changed? Alex Ullman breaks down the metagame!
Want to be the villain at your table? Bring the pain and sacrifice with this Braids, Arisen Nightmare deck, fresh from Dominaria United!
Zur, Eternal Schemer from Dominaria United combines superbly with Enchanted Evening, and is the great basis of a stax/hatebears deck!
The king is back, as Riley takes a look at a sweet new Selesnya tokens list featuring King Darien XLVIII from Dominaria United!
Soldier is usually just an add-in creature type, but with a surprising amount of tribal support and Darien, they’re a real EDH threat!
Miss Kaladesh and Aether Revolt Standard? Relive the glory days of energy with this four-color energy Commander deck with Atraxa!
It may not be flashy or play an instant-speed game, but this Gargos Hydra tribal deck can still pack a real punch with huge discounts!
Curses aren’t the most widely played in Commander, but if you stack your deck with them and play Lynde, you get some serious payoffs!
If a tribe’s named after you, of course you have to build it! Riley’s showing off his own Knight tribal, headed by Queen Marchesa!
What’s better than one indestructible creature? A whole team of them! Riley takes a look at this spicy keyword soup Commander brew with Odric!
Of all the five-color tribes, Avatar has the least support, but who needs it when you have heavy-hitting Primordials, Souls and more?
DIY Doom Blades! Riley’s taking a look at a Zagras Commander deck all based around pinging your opponents’ boards with deathtouch!
Golems aren’t the most powerful (or popular) tribe in MTG, but a combination of splicers and artifact synergy make a formidable force!
Looking for some chaos but don’t want to go full Scrambleverse? Try out this Averna, the Chaos Bloom cascade Commander deck!
While certainly not the most supported tribal, Minotaur tribal has some powerful lords, not to mention the alluring draw of Didgeridoo!
Looking to take the monarchy and keep it for the long term? Be the killer queen with this monarchy-themed deck headed by Queen Marchesa!
Giants have become a hugely popular tribe with Kaldheim, so why not combine all the sweet Giant commander cards together with Ruhan?
Looking to punish those blue-green decks with all their durdlely seven-drops! Start a punchy party with Burakos and Folk Hero!
Can I offer you an egg in this trying time? Riley’s cracking a few eggs to make an omelet with Atla Palani Egg tribal on EDH Showcase!
Sometimes one combat just isn’t enough! Take two, three or even more extra combats with today’s Aurelia deck on EDH Showcase!