Oldhim vs Rhinar – Blitz | Flesh and Blood TCG
It’s a battle of brute force versus massive defense as Brute Rhinar faces off against Guardian Oldhim in the latest Fabrika showdown!
It’s a battle of brute force versus massive defense as Brute Rhinar faces off against Guardian Oldhim in the latest Fabrika showdown!
Like playing the long game with a control-style deck? Check out Oldhim, who can flawlessly mix offensive Ice attacks with defensive Earth!
Four heroes in Flesh and Blood can use the Ice talent currently, but which one is right for you? Abbas breaks each of them down!
While ProQuest is focused on Classic Constructed, Drew’s brewing for Skirmishes as well with his Everfest-powered take on Oldhim Blitz.
Matt Rogers is diving into Flesh and Blood’s frosty Guardian, Oldhim, to go on the defensive in his latest episode of FAB with Matt!
Oldhim brings the chill in episode 17, with Rich and Matt taking on the Elemental Guardian class!
Rob Cygul and Tariq Patel are battling it once more, this time in a battle of defense versus offense in a Chane vs Oldhim showdown!
With Everfest bringing with it a new Guardian and some tech, Drew’s revisiting one of his favorite Guardian archetypes, Big Blue!
Karol’s got another crazy brew in the works, this time pumping and thumping with a big beats take on the newest Guardian, Oldhim!
Break out of the meta! Abbas thinks these three underplayed heroes have the potential to really throw a wrench in your local metagame!
Worried about timing out with the Grandfather of Eternity himself, Oldhim? Karol has some tips to speed up your Guardian gameplay!
Looking to build Oldhim without the legendaries from Tales of Aria until Unlimited comes out? Drew’s got the deck for you then!
Tales of Aria’s latest Guardian hero, Oldhim, has a ton of options, and Karol has a few tips for going either control, midrange or combo!
Finding the right elemental ratios for the new Tales of Aria heroes is a challenge, but Drew’s got some mathematical tips to help you out!
Looking to build the best Oldhim Blitz deck once Tales of Aria releases? Drew’s got you covered with his first take on the new Guardian hero!
DMArmada’s highlighting the latest Guardian hero from Tales of Aria, Oldhim, including how to play him with some of the new cards!