Channel BenS – Kaladesh Draft #4
Get one more crack at Kaladesh with one of the best drafters in the world!
Get one more crack at Kaladesh with one of the best drafters in the world!
Marshall and Luis take an episode to reflect on Kaladesh and all its inventions and wonders. And archetypes.
Draft master Ben Stark gets in on the pack 1 pick 1 action as he cracks 5 packs of Kaladesh to show you what he’d take!
Draft alongside one of the greatest Limited minds in Magic as Ben Stark guides you through a Kaladesh Draft!
Follow along with Pat Cox as he breaks down a Kaladesh Draft from pick one through every game!
See a Kaladesh Draft alongside one of the greatest drafters of all time!
Head into another Kaladesh Draft with Neal Oliver as he breaks down every pick and each match!
Tackling a new Draft format can be tricky, but there are clues in the mechanics and in the cards. Neal shows you where to find them.
Learn to use some of the underutilized gems of Kaladesh with Reid’s comprehensive primer on drafting control!
Reid Duke takes you through a Kaladesh Draft breaking down each pick and every match!
Don’t be deceived—these cards aren’t quite what they appear to be. Frank ranks the next 3 most misleading uncommons in triple-KLD.
Pat Cox walks you through a Kaladesh Draft pick-by-pick and play-by-play!
PV teamed up with Ondrej Strasky and Shahar Shenhar to battle all the way to the Top 4 of Grand Prix Rotterdam.