Everfest Prism Commoner Deck Tech
Looking to bring some Illusions to Flesh and Blood’s Pauper? Try out Red Zone Rogue’s Prism Commoner deck with some Everfest spice!
Looking to bring some Illusions to Flesh and Blood’s Pauper? Try out Red Zone Rogue’s Prism Commoner deck with some Everfest spice!
Bravo isn’t just the star of the show in Classic Constructed, he’s great in Commoner too! Check out Red Zone Rogue’s new Bravo Commoner list!
DMArmada’s taking a look at Flesh and Blood’s favorite Wizard, Kano, in his latest Blitz deck tech with some new Everfest inclusions!
This week on Arsenal Pass, with ProQuest season wrapped up, Brendan and Hayden break down the five habits of highly effective players.
This week on Arsenal Pass, Brendan and Hayden go over some of their final Classic Constructed preparation for the last few ProQuests.
Amulets, Talismans and Potions, oh my! Karol’s looking at three powerful underrated trinkets from Flesh and Blood’s latest Everfest.
While ProQuest is focused on Classic Constructed, Drew’s brewing for Skirmishes as well with his Everfest-powered take on Oldhim Blitz.
This week on Arsenal Pass, Brendan and Hayden cover the metagame of the ProQuest season and how to choose a deck to combat it.
This week on Arsenal Pass, Brendan and Hayden take a look at the first week of ProQuest tournaments with Everfest entering the metagame.
Proper pitching for the second cycle of your deck used to be a key strategy, but could Everfest’s hyper aggressive meta spell the end for it?
Red Zone Rogue has been loving the Commoner format, and Everfest has helped make Azalea his top pick for the Pauper-style format!
What was the best hero to come out of Everfest? Actually, it’s an old favorite, Chane, which Tariq is bringing to his local ProQuest!
This week on Arsenal Pass, Brendan and Hayden wrap up their review of Everfest in Classic Constructed to see what the top cards are!
With Flesh and Blood’s latest set out in the wild, DMArmada is counting down his choices for the top 10 most powerful Everfest cards!
Flesh and Blood’s latest set, Everfest just dropped, but how good is it? Red Zone Rogue takes a look while cracking a few cold (foil) ones.
This week on Arsenal Pass, Brendan and Hayden wrap up their look at Everfest in Constructed, including looks at Brute, Ninja and Wizard.
Bravo, Star of the Show from Everfest has already taken the spotlight, and Tariq’s ready to try the newest Guardian deck list out!
With the full Everfest spoiler out, what classes and heroes were the biggest winners and losers? DMArmada takes a look!
Everfest is bringing some hot new tech to Flesh and Blood, and Tariq sees five cards with huge impact for the Classic Constructed meta.
The latest Flesh & Blood set, Everfest brings a whirlwind of new cards for every hero type in the game. Everfest is coming to town, and fortune awaits those who pull the following cards. Here are the 10 most valuable cards in this mystical Everfest set from Flesh & Blood.