New and Returning Mechanics I’d Like to See in Flesh and Blood
With rumors of a new hero class on the horizon, there’s a few new (and returning) mechanics Abbas would like to see come with it!
With rumors of a new hero class on the horizon, there’s a few new (and returning) mechanics Abbas would like to see come with it!
Fabrika are back with more Flesh and Blood gameplay, this time pitting the old favorite Runeblade Briar against the latest dark horse Dash!
Lexi has a lot of options as an Elemental Ranger, whether it’s a disruption heavy Ice build or even just a straight-up Voltaire brew!
Torn between raw aggression and playing the slow burn? Let Matt Di Marco help you choose between aggro or control in Flesh and Blood!
It’s strength versus speed on this Fabrika showdown, as the classic Rhinar faces off against the newest Ninja from Uprising, Fai!
It happens to all of us – sometimes we get bad hands. Learn how to hedge against them with Abbas’s guide on managing variance!
What’s a Battle Box in Flesh and Blood? Red Zone Rogue cracks one open and thinks you should try one out as well!
It’s a battle of fast reflexes versus ice-cold sorcery as Fabrika pits the original Ninja Ira against the new Wizard Iyslander in Blitz!
It’s a battle of brains versus Briar in Fabrika’s latest Flesh and Blood video, as Dash faces off against Briar in Classic Constructed!
With Uprising just recently released, Red Zone Rogue’s taking another look at his Valda Ultimate Pit Fight deck with some new tech!
It’s a battle of brute force versus massive defense as Brute Rhinar faces off against Guardian Oldhim in the latest Fabrika showdown!
Who will win, Lightning or Fire? Fabrika pits Tales of Aria’s Elemental Ranger Lexi against Uprising’s latest Draconic Ninja Fai!
It’s old versus new, as the latest Ice Wizard from Uprising, Iyslander, faces off against old favorite Chane in Fabrika’s latest video!
Can one of Flesh and Blood’s newest heroes duke it out with a classic? Fabrika is testing it out with a Dromai vs. Bravo deathmatch!
Fabrika is testing out the new Uprising Blitz decks in Flesh and Blood, pitting Iyslander against Dromai in a battle of ice vs. dragons!
Wondering how to get into the latest Ice Wizard in Uprising Limited? Check out Red Zone Rogue’s guide on drafting the new Iyslander!
It’s a battle of the new heroes from Uprising as Fabrika duke it out with the Draconic Ninja Fai and the Draconic Illusionist Dromai!
Get ready for Flesh and Blood’s newest set, Uprising, with DMArmada’s look at the brand new and exciting Draconic Ninja, Fai!
Being able to draw a card is one of the most powerful things you can do in a TCG, but fitting it into your game plan is different in FAB!
Get ready for Flesh and Blood’s newest set, Uprising, with DMArmada’s look at the new Draconic Illusionist hero, Dromai!