Flesh and Blood – LSV vs Hayden Dale

Hayden Dale joins us at ChannelFireball to challenge LSV to a game of Flesh and Blood. LSV is playing a Rhinar Deck and Hayden is playing Ira.

Session Blood EP18

In this week’s episode, Session Blood talks about the concept of “life as a resource” and how it applies to FAB.

Flesh and Blood Deckbuilding 101

Hayden helps you build your first Flesh and Blood deck with his latest theory guide. Don’t even think about missing this one!

How to Play Flesh & Blood: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

In Flesh & Blood (FAB), each player becomes the hero—fighting their opponent with gorgeously designed cards and wildly fun strategies. This relatively new TCG has quite a learning curve: the Combat Chain, Hero classes, and “Go Again”. Not to worry: here is the ultimate guide for beginner’s: how to play Flesh & Blood.

Session Blood EP17

We start by re-introducing ourselves to our new listeners, then talk about our TCG background and the content Session Blood generally covers.

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