Flesh and Blood Budget Brew: Pummel Viserai

One of my first articles for ChannelFireball was a Pummel Viserai deck tech published in 2020. While the deck itself can’t be used anymore in Blitz, it was a lot of fun and we can still utilize the core concept for a Classic Constructed budget build. There have been numerous heavy hitters added to the game since Arcane Rising, so let’s explore how Viserai can put them to use. 


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Pummel Viserai

Class: Runeblade
Hero: Viserai, Rune Blood
Weapons: Rosetta Thorn
Equipment: Aether Ironweave, Crown of Dichotomy, Hope Merchant's Hood, Ironhide Helm, Ironhide Legs, Ironhide Plate, Mage Master Boots, Nullrune Boots, Vexing Quillhand

(3) Amplify the Arknight (red)
(3) Deathly Duet (red)
(3) Mauvrion Skies (red)
(3) Mordred Tide (red)
(3) Pummel (red)
(3) Read the Runes (red)
(2) Reek of Corruption (red)
(3) Revel in Runeblood (red)
(3) Rune Flash (red)
(3) Runic Reclamation (red)
(3) Shrill of Skullform (red)
(3) Sink Below (red)
(2) Unmovable (red)
(3) Cryptic Crossing (yellow)
(3) Mauvrion Skies (yellow)
(1) Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath (yellow)
(3) Shrill of Skullform (yellow)
(3) Become the Arknight (blue)
(3) Deathly Duet (blue)
(3) Dread Triptych (blue)
(3) Lead the Charge (blue)
(1) Lunging Press (blue)
(3) Mauvrion Skies (blue)
(3) Shrill of Skullform (blue)
(3) Spellblade Assault (blue)
(1) Vexing Malice (blue)

See the full deck @ https://fabrary.net/decks/01GT697RF920SQ89KW9DVWZ1EQ

Heavy Hitter Galore

Viserai has always been able to generate humongous swings using cards like Arknight Ascendancy and Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath. 

Arknight Ascendancy (Regular)Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath (Regular)

However, setting up Runechants to get to those attacks has always been tricky. Now, Runeblade has access to some new big hitters like Cryptic Crossing and Runic Reclamation that can threaten lots of damage, but more importantly disruption to stop your opponent in their tracks. Another new card that shines in Viserai is Deathly Duet. By cleverly overpitching your cards to play Cryptic Crossing and Deathly Duet, we can benefit from all the triggered abilities of these cards. This is especially useful with cards like Pummel, which can cleverly use the overpitched resources efficiently. Alternatively, cards like Mauvrion Skies allow us to overpitch, swing, then come in with a Rosetta Thorn attack, using those extra resources. 

Mauvrion Skies (Red) (Regular)Deathly Duet (Red) (Regular)Rosetta ThornPummel (Red) (Regular)

This play pattern is at the core of the deck. A non-attack action that grants go again, either Lead the Charge or Mauvrion Skies followed by a big attack into either Pummel or a Rosetta Thorn swing. Shrill of Skullhorn grants a solid damage output, but Deathly Duet allows us to set up Runechants for some key cards in Viserai. The main ones being Rune Flash and Amplify the Arknight. 


Vexing Quillhand promotes explosive turns, enabling the Runechant reduction on attacks mentioned above and pairing up nicely with cards like Mordred Tide

Vexing Quillhand (Regular)Mage Master Boots (Regular)Aether Ironweave (Regular)Hope Merchant's Hood (Regular)

Mage Master Boots pair well with Read the Runes in setting up big turns. Sometimes getting a big dose of Runechants is exactly what we need, especially when a Mordred Tide is played. Aether Ironweave helps us bridge back-to-back heavy attacks, pushing over what’s normally possible with five cards. Last but not least, we have Hope Merchant’s Hood to help and fix those clunky draws. One of the issues with playing a class like Runeblade, is that sometimes our non-attack actions and attack actions simply do not align. A quick reshuffle can instantly change that. We can even do this on our opponent’s turn to plan any potential defense. 

Key Arsenal Cards

Because the deck requires a good mix of attack actions and non-attack actions, we need to use our Arsenal wisely. It also helps us to create huge five-card hands and make the most of creating Runechants with our hero ability. 

Mordred Tide (Regular)Revel in Runeblood (Regular)Pummel (Red) (Regular)Mauvrion Skies (Red) (Regular)

Both Mordred Tide and Revel in Runeblood have amazing synergy with each other. When combined, Revel makes seven Runechants and helps to play all our Runechant reduction attacks, especially Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath. This is why they both make great cards to arsenal. Revel in Runeblood has a hefty requirement, hence it’s easier to pull off with more cards in hand. 

Some hands just do not align. When this happens, we can arsenal one of the key pieces of our core play pattern and simply wait out the turns when they don’t line up, defending with spare cards. This is why Pummel, red Mauvrion Skies, a red Deathly Duet or even a Cryptic Crossing make great candidates for that Arsenal slot. These hard-to-pitch-for attacks are especially great to hold onto in the Arsenal because when they do line up, we’re able to push some amazing turns. 

Become the Arknight

Become the Arknight (Regular)Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath (Regular)Vexing Malice (Blue) (Regular)

This card is amazing at fixing awkward draws. Swapping a non-attack action card for an attack action card and vice versa gives Viserai the flexibility it needs. Finding a Revel in Runeblood on a Modred Tide turn or an attack with four non-attack action cards can turn dud hands into big threats. Best of all, the card enables our hero ability. This makes it a great combination with Read the Runes. 

Become the Arknight is also the reason the list contains singletons. Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath and Vexing Malice are amazing in particular spots. This is why having the option to search them up can be huge without overcommitting our decks with obtuse cards. Feel free to experiment with other Runeblade cards you might want to search up, as they are a lot stronger in decks with tutor abilities. 


Arcanite Skullcap (Regular)Spellbound Creepers (Rainbow Foil)Grasp of the Arknight (Rainbow Foil)

Depending on what you might already have, the most impactful upgrades to the deck come in the equipment suite, most importantly in the head slot. Arcanite Skullcap and Crown of Providence both offer amazing defensive capabilities against a variety of heroes. Second, I would prioritize the leg slot. Spellbound Creepers offer some of the most intricate lines of play and mastering this piece of equipment can truly elevate any Runeblade player’s game. Lastly, I would aim to get a Grasp of the Arknight. Vexing Quillhand offers a burst of Runechants, but Grasp can help in dealing with the pesky on-hit effects. As for the chest, Aether Ironweave does a great job at allowing us to continue a big turn, but Fyendal’s Spring Tunic can be useful in a matchup that goes longer than six turns. 

Regardless of your budget, this Viserai list can pack a punch and offers lots of deck building opportunities for you to continue to discover the intricacies of the Runeblade class. 

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