16 thoughts on “Magic TV: Show #26 – Worldwake Spoilers, Vol. II”

  1. That’s the most aggressively pushed vintage card since chalice of the void

    2 played threats/roleplayers, rolled into one, and an abaility that has essentially no drawback for stax?
    wow. We get it wizards. You dislike tezzeret.

  2. I’m thinking play the green dude in a new version of eldrazi green with joraga warcaller instead of ant queen, so that you can save up mana until you draw the warcaller and then make all your elves huge…

  3. and i just traded of my 4 knight of the white orchids…….. y do they have to make so i wanna play white gain………..darn you bearclaw!!!!!!!!

  4. Hey LSV, i was wondering what you thought about the dual man lands that have been spoiled so far……thanks for your time

  5. I really like these videos, but you guys take too long to post them up, if you didnt have card prices along the bottom, you could consideribly cut the post shoot preparation.

  6. Great show, as usual. Awesome. I love how you both have relevant stuff to say and seem to genuinely enjoy being on camera =)

    I am convinced the new card-draw will be good enough, unless something better comes in WW alongside it. 3 cards for 5 mana is perfectly fine. And that’s what it’ll be, 3 cards for 5 mana.

    Allies need a little more help to be really playable, but they have a shot now. I don’t think they’ll make it, but who knows.

    Looking forward to you guys talking about the new ETBT B land I heard about. I hear it removes some cards (even heard all, but that sounds a little unbelievable to me) from the graveyard when it enters the battlefield.
    Killing dredge with a land, the only downside it coming into play tapped, sounds pretty brutal.

  7. In regards to the first card hada freeblade… I dont see him being as much of a difference to the allies deck than join the ranks.

    All I have to say is instant allies and …. its like wow. All those triggers happening at the most key moments. (ie. Kabira Evangel or and Turntimber ranger they declare attacker assuming its beneficial and pop pop you have 2 1/1 allies that have protection and or another 2 2/2 wolves to smack down there guys as you declare blockers)

    That to me is huge in comparison to a 4/4 blade master a 2/3 dude and a 1/2 dude.

  8. Yeah Bearclaw! (Mmmm, slivered almonds, icing, mmm…)

    Can’t wait to put Omnath in my Gaea’s Cradle deck. (Cradle + Deserted Temple + Garruk = stupid G mana)

  9. hey guys, do you think Kor Firewalker and Lodestone Golem being former artifact + body has any significance? Do you think Worldwake has more of these? Do you think it’s a design path that will become more common in the game?

  10. Looking forward to having both platinum angel and abyssal in the same deck. But yeah, you dont even have to kill it, get them in the negative than just give it to them with the Bazaar Trader

  11. I got quoted twice although a lot have been saying the same thing. I feel like a pr0 😀

    LSV said what I said about the Persecutor almost word for word when the article was published evaluating him here:


    Comment by MessyCorpse – January 21, 2010 @ 4:23 pm

    About the problem with the Persecutor being a demon:

    Great chat about the spoiler guys, ur strategy and articles are top notch.

    Keep it up we love it!

  12. Pingback: MTGBattlefield

  13. Ребята , посоветуйте , кто знает или сталкивался.

    Хочу купить украшение с бриллиантом массой более карата, но осознаю, что это стоит безумных денег и мне не по карману.

    Но читала , что есть облагороженные бриллианты, которые ничем не отличаются от обычных, но стоят меньше в

    три раза.

    Кто-нибудь вообще держал такие в руках, они правда прекрасны ?

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