Blast from the Past! Modern Mono-Blue Faeries: MTG Deck Guide
Mono-Blue Faeries is making a comeback in Modern, and who better to break it down than one of its biggest fans, LSV himself?
Mono-Blue Faeries is making a comeback in Modern, and who better to break it down than one of its biggest fans, LSV himself?
While not seeing as much play these days, Spellstutter Sprite is still a foundational card of Pauper that you need to play around (or with).
With a drastic shift in power level and card pools, Pauper decks have resorted to using a few important Pauper engines to run smoothly.
Faeries die easily to Makeshift Munitions and Fiery Cannonade, so why not just ditch them and go for a better UB Control shell instead?
While Moon-Circuit Hacker doesn’t offer the same upsides as Ninja of the Deep Hours, it’s still a perfect fit for Pauper’s Mono-Blue Faeries!
Modern UW FaerieBlade takes an aggro-control approach, combining powerful Equipment with disruptive Faeries for a fast and counterspells!
Deep-Fiend Faeries in Modern subscribes to the “net fun” theory, making your opponent untap as little as possible while applying pressure.
LSV is sneaking Fallen Shinobi out of Cube with Modern Shinobi Faeries, an aggro-control deck looking to sneak in the Shinobi for value!
Ullman walks you through the newest version of Dimir Faeries in Pauper.
Standard may be rotating, but Curious Obsession is alive and well. Check out what it can do when paired with some of the best spells in Modern!
Bitterblossom powered one of the most dominant Standard archetypes ever, and now it’s getting some attention in Modern.
Does the once mighty Faeries tribe still have what it takes to compete in a format as fast and powerful as Modern?
With Fatal Push, Faeries finally has an efficient removal spell. And with a move to straight control, the tribe is making a comeback.
Even after unbanning Bitterblossom and Ancestral Vision, Faeries hasn’t made a difference in Modern. Fatal Push may change that.
After unbannings and a new printing, Faeries is finally a viable deck in Modern. Fae master PV breaks down his list and sideboarding.
Watch as PV pilots his favorite deck of all time, Faeries, reinvigorated by a few new key printings!
We got Bitterblossom, then we got Ancestral Vision back. Could Fatal Push be the final piece of the puzzle?
Head back to Time Spiral as the Gauntlet of History adds Dragonstorm, Elves, and a U/B tribal deck that flew a little under the radar.
There is now a whole world of new possibilities for blue—PV brings you first drafts of Faeries, Grixis, Lantern, and UW Thopter Control!
Sam Pardee tries a deck that was once the king of Standard—whether it has what it takes to compete in Modern is yet to be seen.